volunteers are examples of the the PROBLEM here.  Many so-called
"Museum Professionals" are rather arrogant types who feel that the
function of the museum volunteer is to "fetch & carry" for the "real"
museum people.
    I have seen MANY great projects (proposed or operated by
volunteers) shot down because "museum professionals" were unwilling to
admit that good ideas could originate from any other source than
  I have seen retired ENGINEERS and talented craftsmen volunteer at
science museums only to be put to work selling PENCILS in the gift
shop!  Then the museum staff wonders why these volunteers lose interest
and "drift off" so soon.
  Please don't be condescending towards (or patronizing of) all of
those people willing to give of their time and knowledge... SOME of
them may know more than YOU do about certain subjects.
    I always find it AMAZING that some museums act as if THEY are doing
YOU a favor by ALLOWING volunteers to work for FREE!  PLEASE.... show a
little respect for the volunteers who are doing YOU a favor.

                                       Paul R. Silveira