I am working on a project through CultureNet (an Internet service for arts
organizations) to compile e-mail contact information for Canadian arts
organizations and institutions.  If anyone on museum-l would like to have
their (institutional) e-mail address listed -- or, even better, if you have
a number of addresses to suggest! -- I would appreciate hearing from you
(directly at [log in to unmask]).

Many thanks.


S.L. (Sherri) Helwig
Fine Art / Cultural Information Technology Consultant
TEL: (416) 422-4426  FAX: (416) 422-4351
[log in to unmask]

Toronto Consultant for CultureNet (http://www.ffa.ucalgary.ca)
[log in to unmask]

The Power Plant - Contemporary Art Gallery at Harbourfront Centre
TEL (416) 973-4949  DIRECT TEL (416) 973-4973  FAX (416) 973-4933
