Eric Siegel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>     I'd like to put up a "STAY ON THE MUSEUM TOPIC" flag here.


Microsoft is involved in getting the Metropolitan Museum wired and it is
a beta test site for Windows 95 (I know that thanks to Eric and his
wonderful Museum Council panel). I also know who the Whitney and the
Guggenheim are dallying with. I don't think the topic of the ethics of
corporate sponsorship is off topic at all and I'd like to steer this one
in that direction. Microsoft's marketing strategies are, uh, pretty
nasty. But I'm working with the woman who is heading up the Microsoft
Network's art section and she's a real straight arrow and the best
possible choice they could have made. It's all very confusing since we
all need money and there are some very tempting offers out there. What
to do? Bill really is a dork when it comes to art but he seems to know
enough to hire the best.

For the record:
I started out on UNIX then went to Macs and Sun Sparc stations and I
still don't know anything. But Windows is a mystery to me and I have to
start working with it because of AT&T Interchange. These corporate
sponsors (Microsoft, Sun, At&T) will become very important to museums as
they are the only ones with money to give these days.

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