According to Carol Brandt:
> Does anyone have any sources for gardening curricula for elementary and
> mid-school levels? If you have used them with children, I would
> appreciate your comments. Please reply to the newsgroup or my email.
> Thanks!
> -Carol Brandt
> [log in to unmask]


We just completed the pilot phase of a gardening unit for
students based on eight varieties of Jefferson seeds. The units
will be sold both through the education department (school
audience) and the Jefferson Center for Historic Plants (family
audience). I am expecting the finished product back from the
printers any day now. The kit includes seeds, background
information on the plants as well as Jefferson and gardening,
and planting instructions.

If you'd like any further information please contact me.

Robin Gabriel
Director of Education
Monticello, The Home of Thomas Jefferson
P.O. Box 316
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(804) 984-9854          [log in to unmask]