Sorry to respond to the entire list, but my attempt to send this message
directly to Leicester failed.

Forwarded message:
> Hi Victoria -
> I saw your message on AWARE.  You also might want to post it to MUSEUM-L.
> Anyway, let me introduce myself.  I'm Shari Saunders.  Awhile ago, I was
> Standards Coordinator for the Alberta Museums Association.  I was one (of two
> who developed "The White Glove Test" which was sent to Leicester a few months

> ago.  It was created using Visual Basic -- a program that is not user-friendl
> for the neophyte.  The "WGT" can stand alone as a training tool but we
> developed it in tandem with a "Conservation Workbook" -- a 100-page workbook
> that has yet to be published (maybe next year).
> I have since left the AMA and gone the consultant route -- I laughingly say
> that I prefer my own coffee.  I am currently using Authorware to develop a
> program that teaches a segment of Alberta history.  Once again, the learning
> takes place while engaged in a game.  (Can you tell my learning/teaching
> philosophy?)  The game (I hope) engages both children and adults.  I hope to
> more of this kind of thing in the future for other museums.
> I have some notes concerning the design of interactive curriculum (the
> interactive part is going to be your conceptual challenge -- I firmly believe

> that computers should not be used as some sort of electronic book that you re
> page after page after page).  If you would like this info I can send it too
> you.  I'm also willing to be a sounding board.
> I will be in London in September.  I believe I arrive on the 6th and depart o
> the 21st.  I'm attending Roger Miles' workshop on exhibitions.  We could
> perhaps meet at then.
> Good Luck on your project!
> shari saunders
> educational and cultural consultant
> edmonton, alberta, canada
> [log in to unmask]