Debra Kent, I'd like to respond to your request for information regarding
seed money for new museums.  As coordinator for the Association of
Indiana Museums and a retired fundraiser with 25 years' experience in
museums, I can tell you that there are no miracle answers.  Most
organizations and museums begin because there is a nucleus of individuals
who believe in the project.  This should be where the first money given
comes from.  These individuals then will have contacts with those who can
solicit greater amounts of funds from other individuals and
corporations.  In many communities a community foundation sometimes will
give or loan seed money but usually they ask for matching funds.  This is
sometimes the case with foundations (such as the Kellogg Foundation), but
what your organization needs first is a basic understanding of
fundraising concepts.

In the most recent issue of Museogram (published by AIM and available
free to its members and for $5 by non-members) are two articles which
should be helpful:  one is on fundraising for a capital campaign, the
other on developing an annual fundraising program.  There are also many
other outstanding resources -- both periodicals and books -- as well as a
resource right here in Indianapolis that has a national reputation for
excellence.  It is the Center for Philanthropy at IUPUI.  Courses in the
Fundraising School at the Center generally begin at $400 to $500 but are
excellent.  Phone 1-800-962-6692.

I have some resources I would be willing to loan you, and I know that
[log in to unmask] has a good lending library.  He is one of the best
museum consultant in the state, but there are several fundraising
consultants who would be helpful also.  Before beginning any serious
fundraising, however, it will be important for you to obtain your IRS
501c3 status, and that is a long and rather expensive process nowdays.

Finally, the Association of Indiana Museums is hosting a workshop on Oct.
29-30 on science education programs in museums.  It will be held in New

AIM's mailing address is PO Box 24428, Indianapolis, IN 46224; phone
317/290-9851; FAX 317/387-0448; e-mail [log in to unmask]

Good luck.  Carol Vincent