Isn't it enough that it contains the word 'muse'? A place to
contemplate and learn about interesting stuff.

On Tue, 11 Jul 1995, Mindy Lehrman Cameron wrote:

> In response to David Haberstich's "MAJOR dissent to Cathy Brady's minor
> dissent about the use of
>  the word 'center.'":
> Does anyone have an authoratative definition of "museum"? (I might be asking
> a question that has recently been asked.  If so, please excuse me.)  At an
> AAM conference in 1988(?) I heard someone quoting a relatively concise but
> comprehensive definition of "museum" that seemed to ring a responsive chord
> in museum professionals.  I have not been able to remember who quoted it nor
> what was that person's source. Anyone have a good definition of "museum"?
> Mindy Lehrman Cameron
> [log in to unmask]
> a rose by any other name...?
> "I don't know what art is but I know it when I see it."