Roger Garland ( [log in to unmask]) writes:

>      Colleagues interest and suggestions in an Australian,
>      NZ, SE Asian and South Pacific museum listserv are
>      sought.
>      The National Museum of Australia is considering the
>      establishment of a museum mail list which would
>      primarily be a forum for Australian and local region
>      museum issues of substance.
>      Are colleagues in this region interested?

I guess so - such a list might be more focussed regionally.  But there
is a risk a fractionating museum-l.  Where does one stop in setting up
other 'more focussed' lists.  For example, I would like to be a member
of a natural history museums list (there is already a list dealing with
natural history collections management) if only to take the pressure of
my delete key on this list.  But there are heaps of other ways to slice
the museum pie.  If you create several smaller lists you create an
irritation for people wanting to keep a broad overview of what is going
on, and an inevitable spate or several of cross-posting (thus worsening
rather than ameliorating the info-overload problem).

For the moment, why don't you post the regional info to museum-l and see
if it gives any parochial types the irrits?

'Issues of substance' eh?  I'd like to see that...  but what I find
interesting, the bulk of humanity finds dead boring... and vice versa  ;-)

-- jim                    URL=
Jim Croft         [Herbarium CANB & CBG]          internet: [log in to unmask]
Australian National Herbarium &                      voice:  +61-6-246 5500
Australian National Botanic Gardens               faxmodem:  +61-6-2509 484
GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA            fax:  +61-6-246 5249
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