FRANK LAIRD <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
>         As a new subscriber, I have to say I am very impressed with this
> list.  So I thought I'd ask for some help.
I'm a new subscriber too, and agree completely.
>         I edit and publish a newsletter, _Antenna_, on the history of
> communication technologies for a group I organized eight years ago on that
> subject within the Society for the History of Technology.
How can I get a copy of _Antenna_?
>         I would like to print notices, and possibly reviews, of
> exhibitions on the subject in the newsletter.  Could you please send me
> any information on relevant exhibitions?
There's a fairly new exhibit at the Smithsonian's
Museum of American History on this very subject.
Its called The Information Age - and there is a catalog
available. I can't say that I've seen any reviews of it,
though I would love to read some if anyone else has
come across them.