Good question Eric. I guess I should have remembered the old saying:
"please put brain in gear before engaging mouth"  What I mean is: should
this institution with an annual budget of over $500,000 lose its
government funding, it would be no big deal. In other words, a place that
is not dependant on these funds for its everyday operation.
In article <[log in to unmask]>, Eric Siegel
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>           Bob, do you mean *no* government money at all, or no regular
>           tie to the govt teat? There are lots of museums that I can
>           think of in NYC that get occasional NEA/NEH grants, but have
>           no ongoing source of government support. The Sonora Museum
>           has gotten funding from NSF and NEH as well, I'm pretty
>           sure.
>           Eric Siegel
>           [log in to unmask]
Robert O. Dahl <[log in to unmask]>