> From: Patricia Kirkland <[log in to unmask]>
> First, I am attempting to get a copy of a recently published book
> entitled *Museum Law* by Marilyn Phaelan.  It was published by Kalos
> Kapp Press and its ISBN is 0-964-3080-0-2.  It is not listed with
address for Kalos Kapp Press:
        1555 Sherman Ave
        Evanston, IL  60201     tel.# (708) 582-9700
> Second,  I am attempting to find either a contact here on the list or
> a postal address for both of the following:
>      1.  The Canadian Conservation Institute
>          (I would like several of their technical bulletins)
address:        1030 Innes Road, Ottawa, Canada  K1A 0C8
                tel.# (613) 998-3721
Paisley S. Cato, Ph.D.                          e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Curator of Collections                          phone:  703-666-8634
Virginia Museum of Natural History              fax:    703-632-6487
1001 Douglas Ave., Martinsville, VA 24112