Plans are underway to provide mentors for students attending the
     annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, to be held
     jointly with the Organization of American Historians in Washington,
     D.C. 30 March-2 April 1995.
        The program is designed to pair student attendees with Council
     members in order to give students a personal contact who can answer
     questions and generally *show them the ropes* at what for some may be
     their first professional meeting.  It is hoped that this will help
     extend a welcome to students and demonstrate that they are important
     to us.  It also should make them  better aware of the NCPH and its
     role in the public history world.
        The contact between student and mentor may be as little or great as
     is mutually desirable.  However, an excellent opportunity for meeting
     each other follows the "Careers In Public History" workshop scheduled
     for Thursday, 30 March 1995 from 1:30-5:00 p.m.
        We are in need of both students and members who are willing to
     mentor.  It will be particularly valuable to have mentors who are
     nonacademic public historians so that students may get a sense of what
     it is like out there in the trenches.  If you are interested in
     participating in this program, please contact the address below.
     Please also try to include an approximate travel schedule and areas of
     interest and/or expertise.  To the degree possible, pairings will be
     made, and participants notified, in advance of the meeting.  You may,
     of course, also contact the address below should you have any
     Bill Bryans
     Coordinator, Applied History Program
     Department of History
     Oklahoma State University
     Stillwater,OK  74078-0611
     (405) 744-8183; FAX (405) 744-7074
     [log in to unmask]
     ** If you reply after reading this notice on a discussion list, please be
     sure to contact this address directly.  I do not subscribe to all the lists
     on which this hopefully will appear.  Besides, there is no need to clutter
     the lists with messages posted between two individuals.  Thanks.