On Sat, 4 Feb 1995 19:29:37 LCL,
NM Cummings  <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>. . .  The fee is charged to "For Profit" entities...is there a
>way to request some sort of "proof" from the requestor that they are indeed a
>non-profit entity?  What about the Federal ID/Tax#...or is that just for
>places that don't get taxed? . . .
Nina, Organizations that are treated under section 501 (c) of the Internal
Revenue Code are viewed by the *federal*  gov't as "non-profit." Many
states have their own statutes (usually broader) in defining
"non-profit." For starters you may wish to request a copy of their IRS
"determination letter"--most cultural non-profits are used to supplying
this when they apply for grants, etc.  Best,  Jim