The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria
offers the following intensive, hands-on course for museum and heritage
The research, communication and programming capabilities of the Internet
hold tremendous potential for museums and other heritage agencies. If
you have access to a modem and are intrigued by museums' growing
presence on the Internet, this two-day workshop provides a hands-on
introduction to the concepts and practical knowledge that you require to
access and use this powerful network. Using the University's Macintosh
Laboratory, we will explore the following topics:
o gaining access
o making use of communications tools, including electronic mail, bulletin
boards, and lists
o searching for information using Web browsers such as Mosaic and
o posting information on the World Wide Web and other information
o emerging technologies and uses, including hypertext and multi-media
o potential research and educational uses
o issues of access, privacy, and copyright
Dates: February 23 & 24
Instructor: Cliff Quinn draws on his experience as the Coordinator of the
British Columbia Museums Association's Dogwood Network to explain the
technical aspects and potential uses of the Internet.
Fee: $170 (Canadian Funds)
Upcoming Courses
March 6 - 15
Managing Cultural Organizations
with Pat Bovey, Director, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
March 11
Public Art: A Collaboration
with Bess Jillings, Greater Victoria Arts Manager
March 27 - 28
Community Connections: Approaches to Effective Consultation and
with Sue Morhun, Arts and Heritage Supervisor, Township of Langley
April 3 - 12
Communicating Through Exhibitions
with John Coppola, Director, Exhibits Central, Smithsonian Institution
April 20 - 21
CD-ROM: A New Dimension in Public Programming
with Jan Meirs, University of Victoria
May 3 - 12
Cultural Tourism
with Brian White
May 15 - 19
Heritage Landscape Field Study
with Robert Harvey, Professor of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State U.
June 12 - 30
Introduction to Heritage Conservation
Instructor: Alastair Kerr, Senior Preservation Consultant, BC Heritage
Conservation Branch and Steve Barber, City of Victoria Heritage Planner
July 5 - 14
Preserving Maritime Heritage
with Garth Wilson and John Summer
Bed and breakfast accommodation is available on campus at a cost of $55
per night. Call 721 8395 to make reservations. We can also provide you
with information on local hotels.
Joy Davis, Program Director
Cultural Resource Management Program
University of Victoria
Phone 604-721-8462
FAX 604-721-8774
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