While this doesn't answer Richard Shute's well taken points - I do want to
clarify one little thing that I said about "clean data" -
Richard wrote:
>And if we do decide to make the info generally available, should we "clean
>up" our data for public presentation (that is, make it presentable the way
>we make exhibitions presentable)?
By cleaning up our data - I mean bringing it into conformity with
standards, especially terminology control.  I certainly don't mean cleaning
it up so as to cover up anything (not that Richard implied this - but that
interpretation could have come to mind).  There are too many databases that
use home grown vocabulary lists as "authorities".  Until museum communities
can more fully develop standards and use them with consistency, it will be
difficult to share information over the Net.  As you can probably tell, I
am a staunch advocate of terminology control.
A little off the subject, Richard ... sorry.
Suzanne Quigley
Head Registrar
Detroit Institute of Arts
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