>>>>> "David" == David Lintz <[log in to unmask]> writes:
David>                       Subject: Time: 5:09 = PM OFFICE MEMO Job
David> Opportunity in Texas Date: = 2/20/95
David> I am sending this job announcement on behalf of the Texas
David> Association of = Museums. ([log in to unmask])
David> *******************************************************
David> largest State Museum Professional Association, headquartered =
David> in Austin, is seeking an exceptionally energetic person to
David> provide strong = leadership to this dynamic organization. TAM
David> is currently undertaking = several projects, including
David> Multicultural Initiatives and Resource = Sharing, which have
David> broad implications for the entire museum field. The = Director
David> will be responsible for administering an organization with over
David> = 800 individual and institutional members, working closely
David> with the = governing Council, and with associated committees
David> and affinity groups. = Other significant duties include
David> coordination of the Annual Meeting, = production of a
David> bi-monthly newsletter, coordination of development = efforts
David> and writing of grant proposals, management of a three-person =
David> staff, and the fiscal affairs of an organization with a
David> $250,000 budget. = The Executive Director also coordinates
David> advocacy efforts and publicly = represents TAM and state-wide
David> museum interests. This position involves = frequent travel,
David> mostly within Texas. Qualifications include an M.A., a =
David> minimum of five years of broad-based museum and management
David> experience, = excellent communication skills, and a knowledge
David> of the current issues of = the museum field. Competitive salary
David> and benefits. Send resume and salary = requirements to: Search
David> Committee, P.O. Box 3092, San Angelo, TX 76902.
Hallo David!
I am using the machines of a friend . and his knowledge . 50 minutes ago i
never used or saw
internet . he gave me 5 minutes and told me to only use the letter keys and
only one finger of
the left hand. if you say yes, i can show the visitors of our museum that
getting a new job is
only a matter of being polite and having manners. i will have finished my part
of our next
exhibition on march, 14 1995. my part is to show networks of future . how this
... i am using
networks of the past . gurus and heroes and other experts .
interested ...
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time over.
Greetings Harald