To the best of my knowledge there are no conservation training programs
which offer comprehensive training in the area of photographic conservation.
The photographic materials specialty group of AIC is building a body of
information on this subject, but it is one of the most complex areas
within the field of conservation.
For additional information contact the AIC office at:
1400 16th St. NW, Suite 340, Washington, DC  20036.
Jack C. Thompson
Thompson Conservation Lab
Portland, OR
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On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Elizabeth Vance wrote:
> I've seen a lot of information floating around about graduate programs
> in Museums Studies, and they look like good programs, but I'm looking
> for something a little different.  I'm interested in restoration, and
> conservation of photographs.  It seems most of the conservation classes
> offered concentrate on preventative measures.  I'm more interested in
> restoration.  Where can I learn this?  Are there any graduate programs
> that concentrate on this?
> Thanks...
>  - Elizabeth
> [log in to unmask]
> k