On Tue, 3 Jan 1995, Stacey Anne Baquero Goldyn wrote:
> Hi, this is Stacey Baquero Goldyn again with a general question to anyone
> who can answer it.
> I am currently in a graduate program in arts management, and there is a
> choice of two master's degrees, either an MA or an MS.  The only
> difference between the two is that the MA requires Two years of a foreign
> language at the college level.
> My question is, is one better than the other when job hunting?  I have
> noticed that none of the job descriptions I have seen mention an MS, they
> all ask for MA's.  Am I less marketable as an arts administrator if I
> have an MS instead of an MA?
> I would appreciate your opinions about this, as well as thew facts of the
> matter if anyone has them.
>                              Thanks, Stacey
According to what I've seen as both a job applicant and as a hirer in
museums and in other arts organizations, the two degrees are interchangeable
in job searches  -- what's important is the subject area (and the content of
your coursework, your papers and projects,etc.).   In arts management you
might find a slight -- and unarticulated -- prejudice in favor of the MA
over the MS, just because the word "science" might raise their ears.
Particular institutions might, however, see a language as a bonus.
Here in Southern California museums and other arts groups regularly
appreciate staffers who have good command of conversational Spanish.
Some museums with special collections and/or strong research programs
might appreciate your command of languages relevant to those activities.