In article <[log in to unmask]>
           [log in to unmask] "Hank Burchard" writes:
Replying to Susan Patterson's post of Sun, 15 Jan 1995
>      As a professional museum visitor I am delighted that someone on the
> inside of the business is taking a fresh look at the role of guards. Most
> museums model their guard forces on police forces, which seems reasonable
> until you think about it.
>      Security is in reality a rather minor function of museum guarding.
> Aside from the occasional exuberant child, teenage vandal or nutso,
> visitors present virtually no danger to themselves or the collections.
> Thefts are nearly always inside jobs, Murph the Surf notwithstanding.
I have never heard this before (well, I have concerning supermarkets,
but not concerning museums).  Is this only a US phenomenon?
Patricia Reynolds
Keeper of Social History, Buckinghamshire County Museum / Freelance Curator
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