Where on earth did you get the information that the Lowry Park Zoo is one
of three in the US that receives no annual govt. support? That's complete
bull. It sounds like it might be the work of some Lowry Park PR flack.
> John Strand wrote:
>         The manatee analogy is a VERY good one. Here in Tampa, the Lowry
> Park Zoo has a new manatee enclosure that is well designed and attractive.
> However, not long after it was completed SeaWorld installed the
> multi-kazillion dollar "Manatees - the Last Generation?" exhibit. The
> educational content on both is good, but as you can imagine, the SeaWorld
> installation is far superior as a function of available dollars spent.
>         Now the question. The zoo is under funded and, although in no
> danger of closing, it might be jeopardized IF the economy saw a serious
> down turn (it is one of 3 in the U.S. that receives no annual government
> operating support). Which is better, (1) an underfunded institution that
> could go under but is educational nonprofit, or (2) a commercial operation
> that, if it became unprofitable, would obviously be under pressure to show
> more interest in its stockholders than its animals?
Robert O. Dahl <[log in to unmask]>