There is also a site out of the UK that lists all the museums in the
world, or the ones he knows about...
And if I didn't type that incorrectly, check it out.  I tried the
Warhol museum, but the server seems to be down at present (1/12/95,
7am CST).
-Nina Cummings-
-The Field Museum-
mailto: [log in to unmask]
Tim Bosher <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Correct address for Warhol is:
> Tim
> **********************************************************************
> *            Tim Bosher           *      Museum of Victoria          *
> * [log in to unmask]  *  Information Systems Branch      *
> *      Phone: +61 3 651 6751      *      Fax: +61 3 651 6180         *
> *                                                                    *
> *      There is no time like the present to postpone                 *
> *      what you should be doing.                                     *
> *                                                                    *
> **********************************************************************