I picked up on this thread of discussion rather late, so I am not sure
     how it started.  However, I have two comments:
     1. Did the western museum professionals/archeologists discuss with the
        Iraqis about the distruction and looting of the Kuwait National
        Museum?  Did they try to get any commitments to track down and
        return these collections to the people of Kuwait?  Among the
        cultural patrimony destroyed in the Iraqi invasion was the sole
        surviving dhow, a arab ship that sailed the Persian Gulf.  It seems
        that Iraq is eager to complain about the traumas they have had to
        endure, but unwilling to acknowlege the suffering they have
        inflicted on others.  Academics should not allow themselved to be
        used by the present Iraqi government.
     2. There is another side to this cultural patrimony issue.  While
        these artifacts have been removed from their native counties, the
        artifacts have also been disbursed.  This means that the artifacts
        are not concentrated in one place (the national museum) and
        prevents the destruction of an entire cultural patrimony through
        war, major accidents, natural disasters and acts of God.  If one
        collection is destroyed, at least examples of that civilization
        will survive in other places.
        Alan Hawk
        National Museum of Health and Medicine
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