On or about 1/12/95 Virgina Parks said:
"I am developing a hands-on classroom resource kit which
explores the natural and cultural history of the Chinook
Indians...What other kits exist out there along these lines..."
Since I'm late to read this, I hope I'm not repeating
information already given (if so, sorry):
The Getty Center for Education and the Arts (CEA) has
developed several kits called the "Multicultural Art Print
Series. Sets include laminated posters, teachers guides
(background text and discussion questions), maps, and
Series I includes images from the California Afro-American
Museum in LA and the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena,
Series II includes images by Mexican American artists at the
National Museum of American Art., as well as images of the
Chumash, Hopi, Hopi-Tewa, Lakota, and Navaho from
collections of the Southwest Museum in LA.
Series III includes "Arts of India" from collections of the LA
County Museum of Art. and "Women Artists of the Americas"
 from the National Museum of Women in the Arts in
Washington, D.C.
I've seen Series II and was quite impressed and not just
because it was put together by Getty colleagues. (My
perspective is anthropological.)
I'm not sure about prices. I think a set of 5 posters with text is
For more info, CEA's snail mail address is:
Getty Center for Education in the Arts
401 Wilshire Boulevard Ste. 950
Santa Monica, CA  90401-1455
I guess I should complete the commercial with a phone
number for telephone orders : (800) 223-3431 or (310)
453-5352. The fax number is (310) 453-7966
Jackie Zak
Documentation Program
Getty Conservation Inst.
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