I have just this minute heard the announcement that the Smithsonian
has scaled back the controversial Enola Gay exhibit.  It will no
longer include the label text on the decision to drop the bomb nor
apparently any copy on the effect of the bomb on Japan.  Pardon me for
asking, but what's the scoop here??  Is this a retreat in the face of
controversy??  What sort of precedence does this set??  What sort of
history does this presen?
The director is quoted as saying that they "made a grievous error" in
attempting to combine the commentary with the comemmoration.  I heard
one of our Representatives say (on the radio) that the museum is not
an educational institution!!!!
This bodes ill for our profession.  Any more comments (or flames)?
Patricia Kirkland               In the Construction of Immortal Fame
Graduate Student                you need first of all a Cosmic
University of Nebraska          Shamelessness.
Dept. of Museum Studies                          -Umberto Eco
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