Subject: Sale and Rental of Color Transparencies
Some days ago Douglas Tilghman asked about transparency rental fees and
All interested in this might want to contact the American Society of Magazine
Photographers in New York City (a Manhattenite might be ablte to supply
address). They have a number of publications of use to anyone setting photo
polices and trying to develop agreement forms and use fees.
I used them heavily several years back when setting up the use fees for a major
photography collection at Mystic Seaport Museum. By modeling the fee structure
after commercial rates we were able to generate enough business to make that
collection commercially viable, and the museum ended up modeling its entire
commercial and publication use structure to commercial standards.
The point: no more give away rates, charging commercial clients what THEY
considered an image was worth (usully a lot more than a museum did!)
Benj. A.G.Fuller
seabag enterprises
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