Anita, and all who have made this suggestion:
   I have always received a copy of my own messages--until that two
   week problem (or so) with not getting ANY messages from the list.
   I would LOVE to check the REPRO option but for some reason I can't
   because the listserv claims I am not a member of the list.  I have
   spoken with John about this and am awaiting his response.  The
   confusion here lies with the fact that I have ALWAYS received my
   own messages--I don't understand why suddenly I DON'T.
   Anyway, the topic was a problem with some people not getting
   messages for a while.  I had that problem and am wondering if I
   will have it again since there are others experiencing this.
   Thanks for your suggestions all but until I can figure out why the
   listserv thinks I am not a member, I can't take you all up on them.
   [log in to unmask]
     Unless you set your REPRO option to YES, you will not receive copies of
the notes that you post. This is set up to cut down on the amount of traffic
you get in your mailbox.
     Also, Mary, your MIL address has been having fits the last few weeks.
Your node has had problems receiving material (at least this has been true for
the list I run, HISTARCH). MUSEUM-L is one of the more active lists, so I
would check with John Chadwick, the listowner of this list.
Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
INTERNET: [log in to unmask]   Owner: HISTARCH