>I had the same problem a while ago.  I assummed that I had been booted
>   for some reason so I resubscribed--I have been receiving messages
>   but I've posted a few and they haven't appeared.  I don't know why
>   but it seems as if my resubscription now doesn't allow me to post
>   to the list--even though I get the output messages saying that
>   they've reached you all.  Anyway, try resubscribing.  If this is
>   a bigger problem than just a few people, I'd like to know what's
>   happening too.
Jennifer, and all others,
When you post to the list you do not receive a copy of your posting unless
you have specified the Repro option. To receive a copy of your own
postings, send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] with
the following message:
Set REPro
This will allow you to receive the messages you post to the list.
Hope this helps.
john chadwick
[log in to unmask]