You Mac wireheads need to know about this--and I quote--
QuickTime VR (Virtual Reality) is based on QuickTime 2.0, but includes
additional capabilities. Rather than just offer video sequences, QuickTime
VR incorporates spatial information about each locale and what surrounds
it. As a result, the user can pan through two 360 degree axes (vertical and
horizontal) and can move around the virtual environment....
QuickTime VR enables the user to handle objects by grabbing them with the
mouse and rotating them in three dimensions. Apple's QuickTime specialists
believe this feature will be useful in museum catalog CDs. Such products
will allow museum virtual visitors not only to walk from room to room
viewing the exhibits, but also to pick up sculptures and other artifacts
for closer examination from any angle.
(from a rave review of the CD-ROM "Star Trek: the Next Generation
Interactive Technical Manual," TidBITS #230., or send "subscribe
TIDBITS <your full name>" to [log in to unmask])
Oh, by the way,a quote (from memory) that pertains to the ongoing diss
cussion about manditory supervision in the land of the formerly free:
           The laws are like cobwebs, that catch little flies
                       and let the big ones escape
                                                   John Milton
Thought, since its Xmas, that I'd grab a little extra bandwidth
and send a greeting from the country of the North Pole.
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  .   Jim Swanson     . Digital Banff . Banff, Alberta CANADA .
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