Rick W from Texas asked about fireproofing a *bale* of cotton, which is
a different matter from loose cotton.  We just finished mounting an
exhibit on cotton agriculture in the Salt River Valley in Arizona and
had to deal with this issue because we were considering including a
bale of cotton in our exhibit as well.  As it turned out, we decided
against it because of space considerations, but the word we got from
the cotton industry out here is that a bale of cotton will not burn
because it is so densely packed that no oxygen can get into the interior.
As long as the straps are secure on the bale, it will not burn beyond
singing the outside layer.
Rick, if you're out there and would like to talk to our source, please
e-mail me and I'll get you the contact name and number.
Amy A. Douglass
Tempe Historical Museum
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