Like others who have responded, I oppose mandatory drug testing, except
when there is an extremely valid, compelling reason for it.  Such reasons
include the operation of equipment or machinery that requires full motor
reflex control, which could be hampered by the use of illegal drugs, e.g.
vehicles, aircraft, power tools, horse-drawn wagons or carriages, etc.
I can think of lots of such equipment or machinery that might be used in
the maintenance and operation of a place like Colonial Williamsburg, and
I imagine the lawyers have convinced someone in charge that their
liability risks are too high without drug testing.  Would anyone argue
that the risks to the public are unimportant?  Do you care if your
airline pilot, or the person demonstrating a musket, has recently used
As with most issues these days, I find myself in sympathy with both
sides.  Too often, the lawyers end up winning.
Doug Tilghman, Assistant Director, Spencer Museum of Art
University of Kansas, Lawrence KS 66045     913-864-4710
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