On Wed, 21 Dec 1994 21:49:30 -0500,
Joshua Heuman  <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I think the reason why many people study history is to reaffirm that history
>is cyclical.  If you look at economics, politics, art and culture things
>change, but do they really?  In the visual arts, there is the ongoing shift
>back and forth from "Classical" to "Romantic.". . . Just like all other natural
 events, human
>civilization (one the the animals in nature) cannot escape the patterns.
For an alternate view--particularly in the visual arts--see Suzi Gablik's
_Progress in Art_. Also, in econ there is the work of Amory Lovins, David
Morris, and Jeremy Rifkin--their thinking appears to be "acyclical."   Jim