The University of Kansas has a very nice collection of casts and other
Classical pieces that is grossly underappreciated by those who have
not been to see it.  If you are ever in this area, its well worth a
visit:  Wilcox Classical Museum, Lippincot Hall #103, The University
of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, phone 913-864-3170.  The director
is Dr. Elizabeth Banks, 2098 Wescoe Hall, phone 913-864-3153.
The collection was started in 1866.  They have many more pieces in
storage than they can exhibit.  As I am not connected with the museum,
I will not try to give further particulars.  Please address email
inquires to Dr. Banks:  [log in to unmask]
--John Simmons, Natural History Museum (right next door to the
Wilcox Classical Museum!), University of Kansas
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