Just thought I'd pipe up with one conservator's point of view.
All too often it is my disagreeable task to inform a person that an item
in their possession is not what a curator/librarian/appraiser asserted it
to be.
In common with most of us, I have a rough idea of the monetary and/or
historical value of a number of things.  If the cost to restore an item
exceeds its probable value, I strongly suggest that the client take it to
an appraiser to confirm its value.
However, after 20 years in this business I also have some idea of the
strengths of different appraisers and advise the client accordingly.
If there is more than one competent appraiser for an artifact I'll
suggest more than one name; otherwise I recommend the best one.
I also tell them that appraisers charge for their expertise.  That slows
most people down.
Jack C. Thompson
Thompson Conservation Lab
Portland, OR
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