Hello all - Sorry to ask what is probably a dumb question but how do I
subscribe to this group?  I have posted one or two things already and received
some very interesting mail in reply - I would like to join officially if I
could - Please bear with me as a new internet devotee and one who is not quite
sure of the form.  Thanks - Jacky Ridley  My bio (which I tried to post once
before but I don't think went anywhere).  I am a graduate in Art History and
currently completing a Master's in Library and Information Science.  My first
love is still art history however and I have been accepted to start a Ph.D
next year at Manchester University, England.  If I can get the requisite
funding I'll go (keeping my fingers crossed).  I have often wondered about
taking the museology route instead - is this a good idea?  I'm a late starter
- now of a 'certain age' as they say - is the museum field only for young and
brilliant young sprouts?  Any room for those of us who are older but still
dedicated, interested, motivated and any other -ated you can think of.
Regards to all - Jacky Ridley