>The Guggenheim has a rather sad little computer stuck in a
>corner (if the Gug HAS corners) with what I guess is a
>CD-ROM of the Italian exhibit that's up now. I found it
>very confusing to browse through and the printer was
>out of paper. From what I hear the Guggenheim is going
>all out making CD-ROMs of their exhibits and collection
>to sell.
>Robbin Murphy
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The Guggenheim's Italian Metamorphosis multimedia presentation is published
by Progetti Museali Editori, based on technology developed by ENEL, the
Italian electric power company. In addition to providing 215 billion kWh,
ENEL is big time into multimedia productions these days...
ENEL previewed the Italian Metamorphosis program immediately prior to the
opening of the exhibition in October, along with their production about the
reconstruction of Saint Peter's Basilica (running on a Silicon Graphics
Onyx Reality Engine 2, with two 150MHz R4400s!).
As one might expect (with that much horsepower) the St. Peter's Basilica
program was truly amazing. I guess they didn't leave it behind...
The Metamorphosis program, on the other hand, runs on "a rather sad little
computer," a Windoze 486.
Kevin Coffee
Manager of Exhibitions
American Museum of Natural History
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