On Sun, 20 Nov 1994, Kerridwen Harvey wrote:
> I read mention of the publication Internet Resources for Heritage
> Conservation, Archeology, and Historic Preservation the other day on
> Museum-L.  Does anyone know how I could get a hard copy of this guide?
Kerridwen --
The Internet guide you mention IS available on the net --
  *  by gopher from the Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Guides
     or listed among the Michigan gophers in all the gophers in the world
  *  by gopher from ICOMOS
     choose Internet Resources
  *  by World Wide Web from the ICOMOS Web server
     This version is also available on the ArchNet web server and
     several other sites.
As a general rule, the www version is the most current.
Or those without access to gopher or www can write to me, and I will mail
a copy.
Peter H. Stott                                       [log in to unmask]
Heritage Conservation                              [log in to unmask]
US ICOMOS / ICOMOS Canada                           [log in to unmask]