In article <Pine.3.89.9410281411.A20060-0100000@everest> Jim Rollings
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 14:06:36 -0500
>From: Jim Rollings <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marketing Efforts
>To Our Museum Marketing Friends:
>We are a nature center/natural history museum near Williamsburg, VA.
>Some of the past marketing successes we've had include $1-night and a
>lunar eclipse party ad that really got people out here!
>Would any of you be willing to e-mail to me a single advertising/P-R idea
>which has worked well for you.  I'll be happy to share more of ours.
>I'm referring primarily to attracting a local audience (changing exhibits
>not included in these activities, please - primarily promotional efforts).
>Jim Rollings
>Newport News, VA
I design exhibitions for museums here in WDC and I know that a lot of
successes for getting people to come to the museums is to make the museums a
place where they want to go  I think that is why your eclipse party was a
success  In New ORleans the Art museum there has a jazz night (I think the
audiences in LA. like that kind of music).  One of the museums in NYC has a
singles night as does some of the Smithsonian Museums. The kay is in defining
your audience and then providing them with the kinds of activities they might
find exciting.  Gee, why not ask them what they want form the museum?
Good luck with your promotions!
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