The Visual Resources Association is pleased to announce the continuation of
the Luraine Tansey Travel Award Fund, which will make available financial
assistance to VRA members who wish to participate in the annual conference
to be held in San Antonio, Texas, January 25-28, 1995.
Several grants of $400 to $500 will be awarded by the Travel Award Committee.
Primary consideration will be given to members for first-time
attendance at the annual conference and to members participating in the
conference program who can demonstrate financial need for travel.
Applicants should send a brief resume and a one-page letter of application
establishing need, postmarked no later than NOVEMBER 4, 1994, to:
        Kathryn Vaughn
        VRA Travel Award Committe4e
        Houghton House
        Hobart and William Smith Colleges
        Geneva, NY  14456
Award winners will be noified by December 3, 1994, and must confirm in
writing that they will be able to attend the conference.  Awards will be
presented at the VRA annual business meeting, held during the conference.
Recipients will be expected to submit a post-conference travel summary
itemizing major expenses to the Travel Award Committee.
(please excuse any typographical errors; my modem is struggling against
a terribly noisy line)
Jenni Rodda, VRA VP
Institute of Fine Arts
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