In article <[log in to unmask]>
Kerridwen Harvey <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I am doing some research on classifications used to document collections
> of fine art, ethnological collections, and history collections.
> I would like your opinions on the usefulness of the following:
> Chenhall's Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging : Do you find it
> useful?  How do you feel about the fact that there is no current
> commitment for updates to it? Is it used at all by fine arts people?
> Or is it known or used outside the realm of history collections at all?
> Canadian Parks Service Classification System for Historical Collections:
> Have you heard of it/do you use it? Same questions as above for fine
> arts.
> Art & Architecture Thesaurus: How many of you working in museums are
> using it in your documentation/cataloguing work?  Is it mainly fine/
> decoratives arts people or also historians using it? What do you feel
> are its strengths/weaknesses for the classification of museum objects?
I'm one of their consultants. They have been using mostly my
Encyclopedia, but I help them with related matters that are not (yet)
in any of my books about the history of printing and photographic
technology. My biased opinion is that they are serious about what they
do. I also believe that the Centre Canadien d'Architecture is using
their system.
Luis Nadeau
Box 7, Site 4, RR4, Fredericton, NB
FAX: (506)450-2718; Hamcall: VE9LN
Author of:
Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic and Photomechanical Processes, 2
vols (1989-1990)
History and Practice of Platinum Printing (1984; 1986; 1994)
Geschichte und Praxis des Platindrucks (Stuttgart, 1993)
Gum Dichromate and Other Direct Carbon Processes (1987)
History and Practice of Oil and Bromoil Printing (1985)
Geschichte und Praxis des Oil-und Bromoldruckes (1992)
Modern Carbon Printing (1986)
History and Practice of Carbon Processes (1982)
> These questions might give you an idea of the kind of information I am
> looking for.  Any responses would be appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Kerridwen Harvey, [log in to unmask]
> ###