This message is directed toward Directors, Art Museum Members of AAM
From: Edward H. Able, Jr. and the AAM Government Affairs Dept.
I wanted you to know immediately about some significant changes underway
at the NEA which are of great concern.
We have been informed that the NEA has decided not to fill the current
vacancies for the Directors of the Opera Musical Theater, Presenting and
Commissioning, and Museum Programs, and to have the former two programs
report to the Director of the Music Program while the Museum Program would
report to the Director of the Visual Arts Program. We also understand,
however, that NEA is proceeding to hire a new Director of Theater Program.
In a conversation with the Senior Deputy at NEA, I was told that these
actions were in response to directives from the Administration to reduce
the size of the government workforce and also in consequence of the recent
2% cut in the agency's budget.
We are, of course, very concerned about these changes, as are the other
affected cultural sectors and their service organizations. We are working
in concert with the other affected communities and making our concerns
known to NEA Chairman Jane Alexander, and we will keep you advised of any
further actions we might ask you to take in this matter. If you have
thoughts about this action, we would of course be pleased to hear from you.
cc: AAM Board of Directors
The AAM Goverment Affairs Office can be reached by sending e-mail to:
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or contacting:
Andy Finch, Kristin Walker, or Jason Hall
AAM Government Affairs
1225 Eye St. NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
phone: 202/289-9125 or 9126
fax: 202/289-6578