This is a reminder that expressions of interest in participating in the
Museum Educational Site Licensing Project are requested by this Friday,
October 21, 1994.
An expression of interest should consititute an email message to
[log in to unmask], with the subject "Expression of interest", indicating an
intent to submit an application.  Alternatively, hard copy can be faxed to
the attention of J. Trant. Manager, Imaging Initiative at (310) 451-5570.
This message should include the name of the insitution, the project
coordinator, and the category [museum/gallery or educational institution]
under which an application will be submitted. Other participants from
within the insitution should be named if possible. In the case of an
educational institution, participating faculty and academic computing
support members should be listed; in the case of a museum of gallery,
staff members and their titles should be given.
Thank you for your interest in the project. If you have any questions,
please contact me.
J. Trant
Manager, Imaging Initiative
Getty Art History Information Program
[log in to unmask]