Hello all,
   I am a student researching on the more theoretical side of museums,
exhibition(ism), display of cultural artifacts, etc.  I was wondering if
anyone had any suggestions for favorite articles problematizing the role
and function of museums, and, more specifically, if anyone knows of good
pieces on the new politics and poetics of museum display on the Web.  It
seems to me that, with the increasing number of museum collections at
least partly online, the entire way we conceive of the project of the
museum may be in flux, or at least be ripe for some critical evaluation.
I'm new to the list, so I hope that this isn't something which has
previously been discussed ad nauseam.
   Thanks in advance for you help,
   Toby Kasper
   183 Kirkland Mail Center
   Cambridge, MA  02138-5912
   (617) 493-2621
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