Clarification Notice:  MCN '95 * ICHIM '95 Conference
This is a *joint* conference of the Museum Computer Network and the third
International Conference of Hypermedia and Interactivitiy in Museums.  A
general call for participation was issued by ICHIM in August, 1994.  A
call for participation was issued to members of the Museum Computer
Network by mail and also by posting to museum-l.
The scope of proposal topics solicited by the Museum Computer Network
neglected to specify the areas outlined in the general ICHIM call for
participation.  The inclusive scope of proposal topics is listed below:
Topics appropriate for the conference include, but are not limited to:
The topics listed below relate to the MCN Special Interest Groups, MCN
members may also submit proposals on the topics listed in the initial call
for participation distributed by ICHIM.  The original topic list follows
this one.  Please note that topics not included on the list which are
germane to the conference will also be considered.
The Internet and On-line Services
    Getting Connected
MIS Management Issues
    Migrating Systems
    Chief Information Officer's Perspectives
    Networking Perspectives
    Strategic Directions
Vocabulary & Cataloging
Art Museum Issues
Archeology & Ethnology
Libraries and Museums or Libraries in Museums
NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act)
Small Museum Issues
    Getting Connected in California
    Automation Success Stories
    Digital Imaging & Multi Media in Small Museums
Standards and their Role in Museums
    Understanding Acronyms
    The MARC Standard & Museum Cataloging
Issues in Museum Studies Programs
American with Disabilities Act Issues
Funding Alternatives
****Please note *******
Museum exhibition design issues
     Interfaces & ergonomics
     Physical abuse & security
     Space & installation
Project management issues
     Budgeting & staffing
     Pre-testing & prototyping
     Publishing & distribution
Audience issues
     Attracting visitors
     Formative evaluation
     Application requirements
     Pedagogical evaluation
Technology issues
     Navigation techniques
     Standards:  national & international
     Media evaluation & choice
     Authoring & scripting tools
Economic issues
     Product development & sales
     Cooperative ventures
     Grant funding
     Acquiring & licensing image rights
Social & Legal issues
     Museums of the future
     Networked applications
Case studies
Research issues
Questions about the conference may be addressed to either Lynn Cox at
(412) 683-9775 or Kathy Jones-Garmil at (617) 253-9613.
Deadline for submitting papers to MCN for the 1995 conference is November
1, 1994. Sumbit to:  Kathy Jones-Garmil, MCN Program Director, c/o MIT
Museum, 265 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA  02139.
Conference dates are October 9-13, 1995.
Conference location:  Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, CA