Has anyone attempted to put together a list of database software that
supports the Z39-50 standard.
The reason for the query is that we are looking at implementing a "Museum
Information System' that would have more sophisticated searching
techniques than are available on say Mosaic. The general idea is to have
a searchable Z39-50 database accessible through a hyperlink on a WWW
Also, if anyone knows of any good references in the area of Z39-50 SGML,
HTML, I'd appreciate hearing. The basic concepts are relatively
straightforward, but when you start geeting serious there are lots of
issues to resolve
*            Tim Bosher           *      Museum of Victoria          *
* [log in to unmask]  *  Information Systems Branch      *
*      Phone: +61 3 651 6751      *      Fax: +61 3 651 6180         *