This whole thread is silly and trivial - "Can't we all just get along?"
It appears to me that in a vaccuam of topics some folks prefer to chew on
each other...How about a few good topics to dispute?
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On Wed, 5 Oct 1994, Doug Kendall wrote:
> In Message Tue, 4 Oct 1994 15:34:14 -0700,
>   "Robert O. Dahl" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> >Dear: "G. L. Goriesky" <[log in to unmask]>
> >
> >I suggest you try to be more polite and courteous towards the other members
> >of this list in the future. How dare you threaten people? Civility is much
> >more important than your present  concerns.
> >I have made note of YOUR name. Have a nice day,
> >
> >Robert O. Dahl
> >Interpretive Designer
> I think Mr. Dahl has seriously overreacted to Mr. Goriesky's impractical
> suggestion.  I agree with other posters that limiting comments is not likely
> to improve the level of the Museum-L discussion.  I didn't see anything
> "threatening" about his comments, though.  He simply stated his sense of
> wonder--possibly shared by others--that some subscribers have the time to
> send as many messages as they do while still accomplishing their other work
> assignments.  I say, more power to them if they can...and civil is as civil
> posts.
> Doug Kendall, Curator of Domestic Life, Museum Division
> State Historical Society of Wisconsin
> 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706
> (608)-264-6552; e-mail: [log in to unmask]