>  What is spamming?
     Having just come onto the net actively when some of the more famous
spams occured, I looked into this because I got hit with some and wanted to
know how to react.  Although we can always adapt terms for our own
situation, it appears that SPAM is frequently used to refer to a large
mailing, if you will, to many places without regard to the interest of the
reader.  Could be commercial, believing a .1% response is profitable, or
prank.  Could be here or via e-mail.
     "Bomb" or "E-Mail Bomb" is what the unhappy recipients of a spam do
when they all return many replies to the spammer.  This can caused the (not
knowing it happened) system operator to disconnect from the network for a
while and talk to the offender.
     A "Flame" is a very harsh criticism.
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