The Detroit Institute of Arts had, at one time, lent to state, county and
city offices.  Our policy now is to lend only to the governor and the Mayor
of the city.  We found that change in office holders was the prime time to
gently pry away our paintings and sculpture so that they could be brought
home for the public.  It took a great deal of staff time to monitor all the
paintings out on loan, visiting them once per year, renewing all the paper
work each year, etc.  Although there was a signed agreement with each
borrower that stated (among other things) that the object was not to be
moved except by DIA staff, we found paintings stacked on top of filing
cabinets, stacked next to radiators, and other horror stories.  To pacatelacate
those who were used to having art on their walls, we now offer nicely
framed reproductions of works from the collection - at no cost.  Some have
taken us up on this, others have not.  With respect to the Mayor and the
Governor, we still check the objects annually and rotate as the curator
sees fit.
Hope this helps,
Suzanne Quigley
Head Registrar
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