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The Canadian Centre for Architecture, a study centre and a museum devoted to
the art of architecture and its history, seeks a Manager of Information
The Manager of Information Technology has the overall responsibility for the
development, coordination, and effective operation of all CCA computer systems
and other information and telecommunication technologies.  At present, these
include systems for office automation, the collection catalogue, library
information systems, research applications, membership and fundraising data.
A collection management system is in development.  Within each area, a
dedicated analyst is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the system.
The Manager has the overall responsibility for the coordination of resources,
the local network and all external links in information technology.  The
Manager is directly responsible for the analysis and development of new
applications and for long-range planning.  The Manager will work with senior
staff to raise consciousness of new technologies and applications.  The
Manager must maintain budgetary control for hardware, software, training, and
consultants; supervise technical support staff; coordinate the education of
all relevant staff in the area of information technology; and work closely
with the analysts in each division of the CCA.  The Manager will report to the
Assistant Director, Museum Services.
The Manager must keep him/herself up-to-date on new developments in the field
of information technology within the areas of museum and library management,
scholarly research, multi-media, network environments, and office automation
and continually analyze how they affect operations at the CCA.  For specific
projects, the Manager must be able to identify and engage consultants to
provide support as needed.  The Manager of Information Technology must
understand the overall environment of cultural and research institutions, the
mission of the CCA, and the various goals and objectives of each department.
The candidate must possess a graduate degree in information or computer
sciences or equivalent experience in the management and operation of complex
computer systems.  Experience in using and managing systems operating in a
mixed-platform environment.  Five years experience as a supervisor with
budgetary responsibilities in a cultural, academic, or research environment.
Ability to work in French and English.  A background in the humanities is
The salary level is competitive and personal benefits are excellent.  The CCA
is an equal opportunity employer.
Please submit your curriculum vitae to: Manager of Human Resources, 1920 Baile
Street, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3H 2S6