The Association for Great Lakes Maritime History lists 54 museums,
archives and other organizations on the Great Lakes. Of the 54
there are perhaps 15 that have libraries, archives or some sort
of research facility. Your can get a brochure from the Association
by writing to Association for Great Lakes Maritime History, P.O. Box
7365, Bowling Green, Ohio. 43402.
In Canada the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes has an extensive
archive and library with business and operating records from shipping
companies and shipbuilders. You can conduct a preliminary search of the
museum collections data base by logging in Queen's University at Kingston
where the Collections & Marine Information Data Base is online: (
If you have any trouble or if you are after something specific please
Maurice D. Smith,
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston,
55 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario.
K7L 2Y2. (613) 542 2261