Dear friends,
We are embarking on a 3-5 year project to prepare our Astor Collection of
Native American objects for exhibition.  As part of our preparations we plan
to form a Native American Advisory Board, whose members will advise us about
how this show can best be focused to serve Native American groups around the
Have any of you had experience forming and working with such a board?  If so,
I would be interested to know:
1.  What prompted you to form such a board?
2.  How did you form the board; i.e. according to what criteria were members
3.  What role did the board fulfill for you?
4.  How did you fund board member travel, etc.  and how did you set up
5.  What would you now do differently to make this a more productive
experience for all concerned?
6.  Is there anyone you could recommend I call in this regard?
Thanks so much for your replies - I look forward to hearing from you.  Please
feel free to contact me at the address/phone/e-mail below
([log in to unmask]) .
Claire Holman Thompson
Director of Development
Bayly Art Museum
FAX (804)924-6321
e-mail [log in to unmask]